Our PSHE curriculum helps to prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. By giving children the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. Our children will leave Abel Smith with solid foundations for their next chapter as they grow into strong, confident global citizens, aware of and understanding the wider world – and their place in it.
We use the SCARF programme to deliver our PSHE curriculum including the statutory relationships and health education. PSHE lessons are delivered weekly to every year group with 6 key areas being taught:
- Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Difference
- Keeping Safe
- Rights and Respect
- Being My Best
- Growing and Changing
Regular assemblies using the “No Outsiders” framework are held for all children, linking to our PSHE provision, British Values and Social, Moral, Social and Cultural Education that we promote throughout school.
We encourage visitors to our school such as nursing teams, the police, fire service etc… to talk with our children and encourage a sense of community.
We also have regular catch ups with Harold the Giraffe and our SCARF leader who come in to give us workshops on mental well-being and visit us throughout the year at important times such as Children's Mental Health Week and Anti-bullying week.
Abel Smith children are equipped with social and emotional skills in every lesson. The mindfulness approach increases the focus on support around mental health and well being. Our children are confident to ask questions, be inquisitive and discuss issues that are important to them.
They have positive relationships with their peers, have respect for themselves and each other and know how to look after their community and stay safe. Abel Smith children leave school fully equipped with the skills to take them into secondary education and teenage life.