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At Abel Smith Primary School our intent is to instil a love of music in every child and to develop their confidence in music-making and performing. We aim to equip children with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to appreciate a range of music styles, enabling them to articulate their musical preferences. Our objective is to provide musical opportunities for pupils to make good progress, across all levels of competence.



At Abel Smith Primary School our music curriculum is designed to be accessible to all so that every child makes good progress. We believe that all pupils can achieve in music and, through their learning, will develop creatively, culturally, and spiritually.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, Nursery and Reception staff sing with the children throughout the week to develop their Personal and Social skills and Communication and Language, as well as their music ability.  They refer to the Charanga Scheme of Work (see below) for ideas on progression and skills.  A variety of percussion and tuned instruments are available for the children to explore both inside and outside during their child-initiated learning time. Our pupils enjoy a weekly 45-minute lesson with Mr Gareth Fuller, a well-established professional musician and choir director.  We follow the music scheme Charanga, which meets all the requirements of the statutory National Curriculum for Music.  Charanga fully supports modern music teaching across the school. Lessons are based on listening and appraisal activities, games, singing, playing instruments, composing, improvisation and performing.  It is likely that sometimes lessons will emphasise one or two aspects of music but there will be a balance over the year.

Children in Key stage Two are given the opportunity to learn to play an instrument with our team of peripatetic teachers.  These currently include the piano or violin.  They can also join our Abel Smith choir which runs on a Friday after school and is directed by Mr Gareth Fuller.   In addition to this, staff and parents are invited to sing in our community choir, which takes place after the pupils choir on a Friday.  There are opportunities to perform at events outside of school with both the pupil and adult choirs. 



When children leave Abel Smith, after their musical journey from Nursery to  Year 6, they will have developed their confidence in music making and performing. They will understand and apply subject specific vocabulary, retaining and building on knowledge and understanding of music. They will have the opportunity to learn to play an instrument, to perform and develop musical skills. Children will use music as a form of expression and will participate in wider musical activities. They will develop an appreciation of music, its’ different forms, genres and composers.

Primary National Curriculum - Music

Music Progression of Skills and Knowledge
